In 1988, Our Blessed Mother revealed to Kenneth Staloch near Seattle that she desired her original image of the miraculous tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe to be brought to every state in the U.S. Our Lady promised: “Together, my dear children, we will end the horrible evil of abortion. Through the miracle of my image, I want to come among you and convert your hearts to my Divine Son.”
Ken contacted Fr. Walter Winrich, a priest in Mexico, and through the dedication of Dan Lynch, the efforts were begun. Mexican authorities and their ecclesial counterparts denied access to the original tilma but offered a blessed reproduction. True to her word, Our Lady has affected miraculous happenings, conversions and transformation of hearts.
Many people may not be aware of the fact that Detroit has its own Missionary Image now. It is under the guardianship of the Marian Peace Center of Detroit. How it came to our area is a miracle in itself.
How we acquired the image
In the spring of 1992, the Peace Center invited the original Image and Dan Lynch to appear in various churches in the Detroit area. Three weeks before the tilma was to arrive, the Center received notice from Lynch that he had changed his mind about coming to Detroit at that particular time. Committee members were devastated as all plans were set: churches and parishioners were making preparations; people were coming from out of state and Canada; advertising had appeared on national TV; money had been borrowed and donations solicited to cover advertising, books, and tapes. Even a set of special vestments was being made by nuns in Canada. What could we do but pray and ask for guidance? Our prayer group kept receiving messages to “trust”-nothing to indicate plans should be changed.
Someone suggested contacting the Bishop in Mexico to see if there was another copy available. Kathleen O’Connor, who was on the tilma committee, tried for days to reach the Bishop. She knew very little Spanish. There was less than four days left! When she finally reached him and explained what had happened, he agreed to provide another copy-with the stipulation that she personally come down and bring it back. Plane tickets and expense money had to be quickly procured and a frame made for the 4’x6′ picture). Kathleen flew to Mexico City the next day and returned with the tilma only hours before the first program was scheduled to begin.
The response of people everywhere the tilma went that week was amazing. The whole experience was the biggest test of faith for the Marian Peace Center; everyone had to spend time in prayer and fasting and completely trust that Our Lady was in charge.
In retrospect, the committee realized there was a reason for everything happening as it did. The Detroit area now has its own Missionary Image and that image is now available to you. Invite your family and friends for a special week of prayer with Our Lady of Guadalupe. Call now to schedule your time. You will need to make arrangements for transportation and special handling.